SelseY criCket & Social club
The Selsey Cricket Club end of season work party to put the ground to bed for the winter will be on Sunday 29th September from 9am.
We hope members will be able to come down and lend a hand, which will be very much appreciated.
Pete Amis has just confirmed the results of the Rounders this year, which was a great success, and thanks to everyone who turned up to play or just watch, and the people who organised the event and volunteered on the field and behind the bar.
17 teams entered this year , the winners of the main competition was CEEJUS XI, runners up were Selsey White Socks. The plate was won by Triple Threat, runners up Charlie’s Angels.
Hopefully see you all next year.
Selsey Cricket Club Annual membership subscriptions are now due.
They can be paid in the clubhouse, by cash or card payment at the bar.
These are the 2024 rates
Senior playing voting: £35
Senior paying ladies: £25
Colts (under 18): £12
Non playing (voting): £25
Non playing (non voting): £12
Having reviewed the costs of running the bar/ club and the increase in supplier costs, we are going to be implementing the membership card system on the till and price increases from this week.
The card system will give all members a 10% discount on all bar items, which will be in force as of 07/06/24.
Come along to the club and if you are not a member, then fill out the membership application to join.
We can no longer accept payments by cheque.
Membership enquiries to membership secretary Josh Stocks
The next two Saturdays 22nd 29th June the First XI will be home, weather willing matches start at 1 pm and the bar will be open.
We are getting ever closer to the return of Selsey Cricket & Social Clubs famous Beer Rounders and Family day, which will be on the Recreation Ground, on Sunday August 11th 2024
We hope that people will share this event, to get as many people in our community to take part as teams or spectators.
If you are interested, please contact us on
So come along wether you are local, or visiting Selsey, everyone is welcome, and have a fantastic day out.
Further information about entering teams in this years event, can be had by emailing us at or phoning Ricky Halpin on 07968 961323
Every team will get a minimum of two games. Make up a team (7 persons) book a team or Turn up on the day, or just come along to watch and enjoy the day.
On the field
Pegasus Pizzas
Coffee and Milkshakes
Bouncy castles
Selsey Cricket Club is located at The Sir Patrick Moore Pavilion, Recreation Ground, High Street, Selsey, PO20 9BB, car parkIng in the new Co-Op behind the fire station, or at Selsey Medical Centre.
It promises to be a fantastic day out for all the family, with lots of things to see and do, so come along and enjoy the fun.
Ground open from 10:30 matches start at 11:00 am.
There is Pay Bar in the Club House open all day until late, open to the public, offering cheap alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.
As in previous years, we are looking for people and organisations, who would like to put stalls or attractions on the field.
We expect to have lots of attractions including food stalls.
Thank you for everyone who came along and supported the Selsey Cricket Clubs Sir Patrick Moore cup match and family day.
Thank you to all the helpers on the day, and all the players.
Thank you as well to all the social,media sites which he,led us with advertising the day.
If anyone has any photos of the day, we would love to see them, and can be sent to
Selsey Cricket Club, were extremely sad to hear that one of their former players , David Richardson, passed away recently, far to early .David played for Selsey 1st X1 in the early 2000s for several years and captained us to win Division 3 in the Sussex Invitation League in 2003.

Congratulations to Martin Lee, getting on the Sussex batting Honours board
Selsey Cricket Club will be offering taster cricket sessions for 12 to 16 year olds starting from Thursday 23rd may 5pm to 6pm weekly.
On the Recreation Ground, High Street, Selsey.
This will be very informal fun sessions with soft ball then progressing onto hard ball at later stage. So if interested please feel free to contact Nic Nolan on
So if you’ve never tried cricket or have previously now is the perfect opportunity to get involved and have fun’
From Friday 17th May the Selsey Cricket Club bar will open every Friday from 6.30pm to 10pm.
There will be members and non members prices for drinks.
So please make sure you join the club or renew your membership.
- Register now for Allstars & Dynamos
Selsey Cricket Club.
07968 96132
All Stars and Dynamos covering ages 5 to 11 year olds will be running again for the 2024 season details of programmes will be updated soon on.
Follow all stars for details. There is also the option this year of running this programme as a summer holiday camp so if there is interest this is an option the club can look into.
We are always looking for volunteers to help run sessions like activators , coaches etc. There is a basic course for this which lasts for a couple of hours in march/april time so if anyone interested please contact.
We are also looking for coaches/volunteers to help set up colts sessions so if again if anyone interested please contact us.
Also this year we will be offering member prices for drinks at the club whilst open on friday evenings, saturday matchdays and any other times club is open. Details of types of membership will be out in a few weeks which will be at attractive prices so will be worthwhile taking on social/playing membership.
So if you would like to become a member or help in anyway please feel free to contact us. Many hands might like work and assist in the smooth running of club
Any enquiries please contact Nic on
Sunday 19th May 2024 from 1 pm
This is our Annual Celebrity cricket match and family day out, with fun for all the family.
We are looking for business, charities and organisations who would like attractions on the field.
Telephone Ricky Halpin 07968 961323
All traders on the day, Entrance via School Lane only,
The pavilion telephone number from midday is 01243 602148
Within the Cricket Club pavilion, is the Sir Patrick Moore 3D exhibition, which will be open to visitors on the day, this recreates Sir Patricks study at his home “Farthings” with original items on show owned by Sir Patrick Moore.
On the field we have
Pegasus Pizzas.
We have from Burnetts Fair.
Bouncy castles
Bungie trampolines
Burger stall
Ice cream
All bar and drinks will be supplied by Selsey Cricket Club.
Large picnic area.
The Thespian Thunderer’s are a team of players from the World of Show Business, and the Worlds Premier Actors cricket team.
The Thespian Thunderer’s with actors and directors involved in a dozen West End shows: The Woman In Black, Pygmalion, The 39 Steps, Yes Prime Minister and Buckley amongst them; not to mention productions at The Donmar, The Old Vic, The National, Chichester and nationwide.
A Thunderer won Best Newcomer in the Edinburgh Festival Comedy Awards, others were longlisted. Thunderers won BAFTAs and starred in hit television series for The BBC, ITV and Sky: Spooks, Horrible Histories, Spy, New Tricks, also from Game of thrones, Harry Potter, Eastenders.
This will be another great Family Day out at Selsey Cricket Club, and everyone is welcome, free entrance to the ground
Please contact us at for more information.
Or Ricky halpin on 07968 961323
Selsey Cricket Club is located at the Recreation Ground, High Street Selsey, West Sussex, PO20 9BB.

Car Parking at the back of the Club is reserved for players and officials only.
The Stagecoach Gold 51 service runs on Sunday from Chichester Bus Station
Fixtures for season to date are as follows. These can also be found on
All start times currently 13.00
Sat 13th April HOME friendly versus Portsmouth Community CC cancelled
Sat 20th April HOME friendly versus Purbrook CC Won
Sat 4th May HOME LEAGUE versus Billingshurst CC Won
Sat 11th May HOME league versus Ram CC Selsey Won
Sat 18th May AWAY league versus Brighton and Hove CC Selsey Lost
Sun 19th May HOME Sir Patrick Moore cup match Selsey Lost
Sat 25th May HOME league versus East Preston CC
Sat 1st June AWAY league versus Crawley Eagles CC conceded
Sat 8th June HOME league versus Littlehampton CC
Sat 15th June AWAY league versus Billingshurst CC
Sat 22nd June HOME league versus Broadbridge Heath CC
Sat 29th June HOME league versus Eastergate CC
Sat 6th July AWAY league versus Himani CC
Sat 13th July AWAY league versus Ram CC
Sat 20th July HOME league versus Brighton and Hove CC
Sat 27th July AWAY league versus East Preston CC
Sat 3rd August HOME league versus Crawley Eagles CC
Sat 10th August AWAY league versus Littlehampton CC
Sat 24th August AWAY league versus Broadbridge Heath CC
Sat 31st August AWAY league versus Eastergate CC
Sat 7th August HOME league versus Himani CC
Beer & Rounders and family day Sunday 11th August from 10:30 am
Also other fixtures on the recreation will be West Wittering 3rd XI home matches
Sat 18th May league West Wittering CC versus Petworth Park CC
Sat 1st June league West Wittering CC versus Clymping CC
Sat 15th June league West Wittering CC versus Arundel CC
Sat 6th July league West Wittering CC versus Rustington CC
Sat 13th July league West Wittering CC versus Middleton CC
Sat 27th July league West Wittering CC versus Bognor CC
Sat 10th August league West Wittering CC versus Aldwick CC
Also we are delighted to be hosting the following fixture on 2nd June
Sussex County Cricket Club D40 development Versus Middlesex CCC D40 disability team fixture. More details and confirmation in the near future.
Obviously anyone wishing to offer service etc volunteers etc please contact nic Nolan on
We are very sad to report of the death of Tommy “The Dog” Roberts, a social member of Selsey Cricket Club for many years.
We send out our condolences to his wife Mary and family.
Tommy got the nickname “the dog” from his Dog Sam who used to find lost cricket and footballs.
RIP Tommy
Update on new building. 9/11/2023
Work has continued on the project, Surveys, building reg. fire strategy etc have been undertaken and paid for.
A project manager is now in place Nathen Bennett, who has been a tremendous help.
Debs is still putting in for community funding bids.
If the money isn’t available to build the project in one go, we will split it into two phases,
phase 1. social area, toilets, kitchen area
Phase 2 new changing rooms.
Phase 1 can be split into 3 areas.
1 underground work, footings
2 roof structure
3 external and internal walls etc
We will get quotes for these areas, compare this against monies we hold, and decide on start date after Jan 24
If funding comes in after Jan 24, we may be able to progress with the whole project.
Andy Horner
Changes to laws of Cricket 2023
Today, we mourn the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family at this time.
Her Majesty The Queen served our nation for seventy years, earning the respect, admiration and love of all her people.
Our deepest condolences from everyone at Selsey Cricket Club to the Royal Family.
We are proud to announce that Seal Bay Resort, part of Cove Communities are sponsoring Selsey Cricket Club for the 2022 season.
We are pleased to announce that Roar! betting will be sponsoring Selsey Cricket Club this Season.
High Street Selsey
Our Selsey staffs 130 years of collective experience won the industry award of Independent Bookmaker of the Year as we always put the customer first with polite and efficient service.
Proud sponsors of Selsey Cricket Club
Roar! For More
We support GambleAware
Selsey Cricket Club needs your help.
We would love you to be part of your Local Cricket Club.
We welcome new players junior and senior, social members, umpires, scorers, general help.
Sponsorship opportunities available.
All Stars Cricket & Dynamos Cricket are back this summer!
Find your local cricket club & sign-up now! ⤵️
⭐️ 5-8 year olds –
💥 8-11 year olds –
Get ready for 8 weeks of big moments!
Beginning on Monday 16th May the 8 week programme aims at giving children from 5 to 11 a fun filled cricket related activities.
For details to join please look on to search for Selsey CC as a venue registrations opened on Thursday 24th February.
Selsey Cricket Clubs home League fixtures for the 2022 Season, all matches start at 1 pm Bar open on match days.
There are sponsorship opportunities at Selsey Cricket Club for the 2022 Season.
If you are interested in supporting and helping your local Cricket Club, please email us on
Thank you to everyone turned out for this years Beer and Rounders 2021
We had 13 teams take part this year, and early morning showers, the sun came out, the rest of the day went very well, with a very good turn out of players and spectators.
Thanks to all,the club members who helped run the bar, preparing the pitches, scoring and umpiring.
The Winners this year were “Running Empty”
The plate winners “The Umpire Strikes back”
Many thanks to MSJ Jewellery Services who supplied the Shields, and supplied fantastic engraved Mugs.
MSJ Jewellery Services Ltd
138 High Street
West Sussex
PO20 0QE
Telephone: 01243 696726
Long-standing members will have fond memories of Jim Crowley who has sadly died recently following a long illness. Jim and his wife Gill, who survives him, were both stalwart members of the Club They first joined in the early 70s and Jim served for many years as Captain, fundraiser committee member and project manager for the building of the existing pavilion.
Our sincere condolences from everyone at the Club, to Gillian and Family.
More details on our Close of Play page.
Click the link for information on downloading the NHS Covid-19 track and trace app.
Protect your loved ones. Download the app.
The NHS COVID-19 app, available to download for free in England and Wales, is the fastest way to see if you’re at risk from coronavirus. The faster you know, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones and community.
The app has a number of tools to protect you, including contact tracing, local area alerts and venue check-in. It uses proven technology from Apple and Google, designed to protect every user’s privacy
Updates on the new new building project and more news from the Club Chairman Andy Horner can be found in Horner’s Corner.
Everyone at Selsey Cricket Club would like to congratulate Mike Nicholls on being awarded the British Empire Medal, in the Queens Birthday Honours for Services to the community in Selsey.
Team Photo Selsey v Slindon 1st June.

Subscriptions are now due.
Selsey Cricket Club Subscriptions for 2021
Senior Men’s Player’s. £35
Senior Ladies Players £25
Colts Member (Under 18) £12
Social members with Vote £25
Social members without a vote £12
Sports Dream charity 1142665 has been encouraging sporting activity in Selsey for the past eight years. During this time we have also been fundraising to create a joint clubhouse for the cricket and football clubs.
The facility will also have a strong community use for young and old alike. All necessary permissions are in place and we aim to start building in May.
So far we have raised 80% of the costs.
Will you help us reach our target please?
If you would like to make a donation our bank details are
Lloyds Bank
Sports Dream
For further details or gift aid please call 07508716037
Thank you
Mike Nicholls
Andy Horner
David Lee
Just another reminder that as with the other several hundred emails you may have received about GDPR, we do not store any personal details for the purposes of mailing, but if you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please email us at
You can find our privacy notice here.
Come and join us as a player or social member, We are a Friendly, but competitive Club, running a men’s League side, 1 and sides.
We also run several Junior sides.
We are looking for players and all abilities from Juniors up.
Whatever your age or ability, we can find a place for you, at your level.
We a very friendly and inviting club , with outdoor nets, clubhouse with bar.
If you are interested in playing for us, please email us on
We also welcome Social and Non Playing members, and people interested in Scoring, Umpiring, and helping with Juniors coaching.
Membership of Selsey Cricket Club is open to all applicants regardless of age, ability, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, religious belief or social/economic status.
Selsey Cricket Club was founded in 1834 and is one of England’s oldest cricket clubs.
One of the clubs most famous members was the late B.B.C. astronomer Sir Patrick Moore, C.B.E.
Sir Patrick was a former Club Secretary, and an active playing member, and was an Honorary Life Vice President.
A former President of Selsey Cricket Club was Hubert Doggart, O.B.E., MA. who played for Sussex and England
The Pavilion has now been renamed the Sir Patrick Moore Pavilion .
The Sir Patrick Moore Pavilion The Recreation Ground, Paddock Lane, Selsey West Sussex PO20 9BB
Pavilion telephone number (Match days and bar opening days only) 01243 602148
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